
Streamlining Operations at Starlight Oasis Hotel: A Case Study

Streamlining Operations at Starlight Oasis Hotel: A Case Study

Starlight Oasis Hotel is owned and managed by Savannah, a highly experienced hospitality expert passionate about continuously improving her business and the employee experience. Savannah has successfully grown the company over the years, yet with success came new struggles and some processes began to suffer.

Process Challenges and Disorganization At Starlight Oasis Hotel

Savannah had noticed a few related organizational issues that needed a solution. She asked for input from staff and business partners to determine the root causes of the disorganization and what kinds of changes would benefit employees the most. Savannah ultimately determined these key issues:

  • Morale & motivation: staff needs to stay engaged and motivated for better productivity, higher customer satisfaction, and lower turnover
  • Miscommunication: departments have trouble communicating clearly and conveying important information to frontline employees
  • Complex operations: finding and spending the time to hone the processes of bookings, customer interactions, inventory, and particularly, staff schedules
  • Housekeeping: ensuring rooms are cleaned and maintained to high standards to maintain quality during peak seasons
  • Booking & pricing management: maintaining pricing strategies and consistent pricing across different booking platforms

Why GettaMeeting?

Savannah was searching for a training program or similar resource that would equip her team with the tools necessary to challenge and overcome the key issues at the hotel. Ultimately, Savannah chose GettaMeeting to tackle the issues because the comprehensive meeting module was easy to set up, required very little technology and resources to host, and fit within the company’s tight budget. With morale and motivation being top issues for her team, Savannah was happy that the structure of GettaMeeting’s modules would improve morale and motivation.

Savannah recalled: “As soon as I read the description of one of the modules, I knew GettaMeeting was the right choice for my team because of all of the extras that come with them - the activities, decoration ideas, takeaway item ideas, playlist… it all was exactly what my team needed to feel motivated again and come together in a casual but professional way. Plus you just can’t beat the price!”

Due to the nature of the team’s main challenges, Savannah decided on the "Get Organized: Mise en Place" module from the Employee Empowerment Series.

Savannah was elated that every employee would benefit from GettaMeeting’s meeting module because the widely applicable content would be useful to each member of the team. Because the Starlight Oasis Hotel team is fairly small, Savannah could lead the meeting in the conference room and dedicate only a few hours to making major progress using GettaMeeting’s content.

How The “Get Organized: Mise en Place” Module Streamlined Operations

Preparation and Facilitation

Preparing for the meeting was easy, fast, and required minimal effort. Savannah purchased and downloaded the meeting video and meeting enhancements PDF, then sent out a meeting invite for the following week.

Using the enhancements PDF, Savannah curated a fun and engaging meeting. She printed the inspirational quotes, book club questions, and word cloud to hand out to meeting attendees. She then chose and ordered fun takeaway items for attendees. Next, she found a local caterer who specialized in some of the food suggestions from the enhancements PDF and placed an order so that her team could enjoy snacks during the meeting. Savannah wanted the meeting to be extra memorable, so she also purchased some of the suggested decor to help communicate the unique culinary theme. Next, she chose two of the team-building activities and ordered prizes to accompany them. Lastly, she created a new playlist (using the song suggestions) so that she could play music during the games.

A week later when the meeting took place, everything ran smoothly. Savannah began the meeting by explaining the importance of the content, offering snacks, and playing the video for the team. The attendees then discussed the video before participating in the team-building activities.

The Aftermath

In the weeks following the meeting, Savannah witnessed a huge shift in her team and operations. Because the meeting taught employees to make habits out of routine and enjoy processes, her team began finding purpose and consistency in their roles. 

They learned how to prepare better and in advance, especially for inevitable situations. Savannah, in particular, applied this lesson to produce a better system for staffing and training so that every role was covered at all times and her team was prepared for common and rare challenges.

Customer service improved as team members were taught to “read, review, practice,” which created a more consistent level of service and better customer reviews.

Housekeeping processes were optimized when housekeepers reorganized their tools and determined a strict standard for cleaning rooms. Learning the six golden rules helped the housekeeping team maintain their quality of work, which in turn increased the amount of positive reviews.

By dedicating time every week and using their new knowledge combined with expertise, all team members worked together to optimize and reorganize other areas and processes, such as calendars, schedules, lines of communication, inventory, and booking platforms.

Within a month, Savannah’s team had become more productive, professional, passionate, and motivated at work. Savannah saw the effort pay off when customers left satisfied. The energy shifted in the office, creating a healthier, productivity-prone work environment. No longer is Starlight Oasis Hotel a place of miscommunication and stress - it is now smooth-sailing and serene.

For similar results, purchase GettaMeeting's modules today and revolutionize your meetings.


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